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ORC-Week 2 French Guest Bedroom - The Magic of Paint

Writer's picture: Spackle&ShineSpackle&Shine

Updated: May 31, 2021


Man oh Man am I exhausted after this week. It is almost 11pm and I am rushing to finish this post because I got sucked into our molding project and lost track of time.

But I think it is important to recap this weeks accomplishments, and this week we have accomplished a lot!

During the first week of the One Room Challenge I made it a goal to finalize my paint decision and get the primer on the walls, because we have plaster walls and I am planning to go from a very dark navy to a much lighter color, I knew it was going to take a few coats of a good oil base primer, which would likely take a whole week to took about 7 days to accomplish this task.

Which to be honest, Painting is not one of my favorite things to do....I actually wanted to try out my paint gun for this project but my husband was against that idea, since we'd likely experience over spray, and we are not planning on moving all of the furniture out of this room during the reno (we are basically playing a game of jenga moving pieces back and forth and stacking them on top of each other ahah but when you don't have a ton of extra space this is what has to be done.

Any who, back to the paint, we used Benjamin Moore Fresh start enamel underbody primer on all of the walls and crown molding. This is an oil base primer, which gives you the option to use a water base paint or oil base paint over top of...which we used both. The crown molding was painted with Fine Paints of Europe Hollandac Paint, tinted in the Farrow and Ball color we are using on the walls. The Hollondac paint is oil based paint with a high gloss/mirror finish. And let me tell you, this finish is STUNNING. It is by far my favorite paint, it has a gorgeous depth of color that I have yet to see with any other paint. And the high gloss finish makes such a statement and portrays such a high end look. in addition to the crown molding, we plan to use this paint on the window and door trim, as well as the interior and closet doors. Prior to applying this paint, there are extra steps that are required during prep, in order to achieve the best finish.

We spent quite a few hours, repairing nail holes, random divets, and smoothing rough patches on these areas. Rob also did some additional work to the bedroom door, when he corrected the angle of the swing. Once he switched the hinges for the door and turned the door around, we noticed there was a large gap in the top, so he purchased a piece of wood, the thickness of the door, cut it to size, and patched the gap with wood filler.

I have to say, my favorite part of this reno so far, is having the door swing the correct direction, and allowing the lightswitch to be reached with ease ----whereas before you had to fully enter the room, reach around the door, and blindly feel for the lightswitch (and for a girl whos afraid of the dark and of ghosts this was a living nightmare come sunset). Any who, the door now swings the right way and has been prepped and primed, and is now waiting in the wings for paint...which will likely happen sometime next week.

The rest of the room was painted in one coat of Benjamin Moore's Matte paint tinted in the farrow and ball shade we decided on (which I am struggling to keep a surprise). We plan to add the rest of the wall molding and then will paint the walls in a second coat in the same shade.

Finally we will paint the molding in the same shade of farrow and Ball in a semi-gloss finish, which will give the wall a bit of contrast but not to the extreme as the Hollandac, more of an understated glimmer--this step is on the docket for sometime over the next two weeks, following the endless hours of calking and wood filler that I have been all consumed by.

As boring as it may seem to most, I've been doing a lot of research on paint, which options are the best to use for specific circumstances, so if you have any questions shoot them my way.

Putting together a post about paint, without sharing the shade of paint I am using for our guest room, did pose as quite a challenge but I am curious to see if anyone can guess the color we wound up picking, leave your guesses in the comments, the first to guess it right may get a little prize ;-)



Hope you all have a fantastic Week and don't forget to check out the other amazing designers participating in this years One Room Challenge! click here to check out all the other incredible participants! @oneroomchallenge @betterhomeandgardens #oneroomchallenge #bhgorc

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